
The situations presented in the game have varying degrees of severity, but are all intended to place the player in an unfamiliar situation in which they are faced with a conflict they would not normally encounter.

Because our game deals with the concept of multiple personality disorder, the objective is also to bring awareness to the seriousness of mental illness.

We also drew inspiration for our objectives from a few sources:

Jesper Juul argues that games have a “[v]alue assigned to possible outcomes: That the different potential outcomes of the game are assigned different values, some being positive, some being negative.” This is what our game deals with heavily, as it strictly decision-based. Each decision within a character’s sub-story creates either a positive or negative outcome; you must choose carefully.

Markus Montoya provides us with the idea of the “magic circle” within which “play is a voluntary, contractual structure that is limited in time and space.”  Our game very much exists within a liminal space. Inspired by this “magic circle,” we wanted every action (choice/process) within that space to have purpose, meaning, and consequence.

Ian Bogost says that “[p]rocedures (or processes) are sets of constraints that create possibility spaces, which can be explored through play.” The different procedures/processes within our game allow the player to either expand and explore the space of play through positive outcomes, or narrow this space by destroying the possibility for escape.

Brian Sutton Smith  says that “[t]he diversity of play is well illustrated by the varied kinds of play that are to be found within the larger menagerie of the ‘play’ sphere. Almost anything can allow play to occur within its boundaries…” Although our space of play may put you in a position/situation that is unfamiliar to you, this is the point. We wanted to create a space diverse enough to be outside a traditional “video game,” with the hope that there would be a level of uncomfortability while playing this game (just like the games the inspired our creation).

To learn more about the games that inspired us, click here.